
Meet Timothy Pogorelc

Timothy of Tipo’s Creations is in the personalized gift and jewelry business. He started in 2006 as a small brick and mortar shop on Cape Cod making and selling hand crafted jewelry, which he expanded into the engraving business a couple years later. Like many sellers, he made enough to support his family but kept looking for ways to expand further by going online and opening an ecommerce website at www.tiposcreations.com.

tipo ring

The website grew slowly and continues to do so today. After a friend introduced Timothy to Etsy, he took a look at it but did not see much potential for for the business. After a second person who was doing business on Etsy mentioned it to Timothy, he thought he would not only give it a shot but put serious effort into it as if it were the most important part of his business.

It has paid off greater that I could have ever hoped.

Timothy began his shop in February of 2012 with just his hand crafted jewelry. He was so impressed and excited with the amount of business he was doing just after a couple months. By fall, Tim decided to expand into the second half of my business, engraving gifts for all occasions and is so glad he took the leap.

tipo cigar

I believe one of the if not the greatest attribute of Etsy is the amazing communication system, ie: “Convo’s”. Etsy’s Convo system allows buyers and sellers communicate directly in real time open and freely 24 hrs a day.

Timothy believes that most websites are extremely difficult to talk with, if there is a question, you never know if or when you will get a response. The Convo system on Etsy makes it very easy to discuss specific requests and or concerns a customer may have about your product.

Tipo’s Creations on the Etsy shop continues to be the fastest growing part of his entire business and he wouldn’t do a thing differently. Every time Etsy puts forth a new change in their software/system Tim is a little nervous, as he doesn’t typically like change. He quickly find it is always a welcomed improvement to the site. Etsy puts a great deal of effort and testing in every new idea they have to make the site better.

tipo money

My advice to anyone thinking of opening a shop on Etsy is to take it seriously, commit to it and treat it like the real business opportunity it is. The sky is the limit!

Tipo’s Creations can be found on Etsy. Leave a comment below if you would like to as Timothy any questions.